Brasserie Dubuisson
The brewery was founded in 1769 by Joseph Leroy under the name 'Brasserie de Ghysegnies' and was originally a farm with brewery and distillery. In 1890, Clovis Dubuisson married Aline Leroy, the fourth generation of the Leroy brewing family. Clovis became the head of the brewery and changed the name to Brasserie Dubuisson-Leroy. In 1926, his sons took over the farm brewery and the brewery is given its current name 'Brasserie Dubuisson Frères'.
In 1933, Alfred Dubuisson created a real Belgian tasting beer in the English style, which was very fashionable at the time. He named his beer BUSH BEER which is the English translation of BIERE DUBUISSON.
Bush has long been one of the strongest beers in the world.
In 2013, the brasserie Dubuisson started growing its own hops. A field of 50 hectares was created for this purpose and consists of approximately 880 hop plants on more than 150 masts.
In 2019, the 9th generation, Alexandre Dubuisson and Séverine Dubuisson, is working in the brewery.
Dubuisson Brewery has never stopped brewing in all the difficult times (French Revolution, First and Second World War) and is still in the same place.
Products from Brasserie Dubuisson