Brouwerij Jessenhofke
Jessenhofke Brewery is a brewery located in Kuringen in the province of Limburg in Belgium. It was started by Gert Jordens. He started in 2000 as a hobby brewer.
In 2005, a semi-professional installation with a capacity of 125 liters was purchased, this brewing installation is used for brewing small quantities of artisanal (organic) beers. Larger quantities of the commercial organic beers were originally brewed at the Proefbrouwerij in Hijfte, then at Brouwerij Anders! in Halen and Strubbe Brewery in Ichtegem.
Jessenhofke was officially recognized as a brewery in August 2010. The brewery only sells beers with organic products.
A squirrel can be seen in the logo. The squirrel is the totem animal, it is a collector and builds up supplies to withstand all eventualities. In winter it retreats. Gert has some of that. He looks for the best ingredients to brew his beer, but in the winter he likes to sit at home with a pint.
Products from Brouwerij Jessenhofke