De Bie Brouwerij
De Bie Brewery was founded in 1992.
Zatte Bie, Hellekapelle and Helle boiler beer were the first beers.
In 1998, the brewery was taken over by Jos Tjoen, who modernized it to achieve growth.
The place soon turned out to be too small to expand and in 2001 he moved the De Bie brewery to a large inn in Loker with the same name: d'Hellekapelle. A completely new brewery was built there, with a chat, beer and snack bar.
Due to the enormous success of the traditional regional beers, this location also became too small. That is why Brouwerij De Bie moved in 2011 to a much larger farm in Wakken (Dentergem).
Once started as a home brewery with 3 beers and today grown into a renowned brewery with 10 beers. But still just as traditional.
Brouwerij De Bie only uses natural quality products. The hops, wheat and barley come from the farm's own fields.
Products from De Bie Brouwerij